Wednesday, January 13, 2010

As we go through this life, we must never forget the reason we were created. We were created to praise the Lord. Many of us have been raised in the Church, however with age comes more responsibility. Therefore, Church, the Bible and its teachings are place on the back burner...

My mother didnt always have a car. A lot of the places we went, we either walked or rode the city bus. Even though we had no vehicle of our own, my mom always made sure we were in Church on Sunday mornings. I didn't get it then. However, I fully understand it now.

My mother wanted to instill those moral values in me that are very necessary in this world. She wanted to plant that seed in me that would be nurtured in the years to come. My mom wanted to make sure that I knew who Jesus was, who He is. Times have changed so much.

Families have two or three vehicles, but still don't attend Church services. Bibles are in the homes, but are not being read. They're sitting on the shelves collecting dust. People sit and agonize over the issues in their lives. They worry about bills, and the lack of money. Little do they know the answer to all of life's problems are inside the Good Book. God's Word is truth. It can give you direction. If going on a road trip to somewhere you've never been, you would use a map to get there. The Bible is our map. God is our guide. Reading His Word is the best way to gain a closer relationship with Him.

We must put God first! In all things!!! Acknowledge Him! There's no way around it, if we want to prosper, and grow in the right way. All of us, if honest, have put off Church services or Bible Study for something we thought more important. It's okay. God already knows. He forgives..... But, going into this new year, we must do better, in our walk with the Lord. We must be committed to serving God and giving Him the time He deserves. He doesn't owe us anything. We owe Him our lives.....

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