Thursday, February 11, 2010

God Is Headlining The Show

I haven't been blogging lately. So many things have been going on with me, as well as around me . At times, situations can become overwhelming--so overwhelming, in fact that we get too wrapped up in the moment or moments. But, I thank God for Jesus...

Situations may arise in our lives, be it good or not-so-good, however, God is always in the midst. He carries us through the torments of life. I'm grateful for His unwavering, undying LOVE for me. God loves us more than man ever could. His love allowed Him to send His only begotten son in order to save this sin sick world. Imagine what the world would be like if Jesus had not gone to Calvary.... It's a mess now, but if it weren't for Jesus staying on the cross, this place where we live would be total chaos, unimaginable.

In knowing this, why is it that some people still hate their fellow man, their brother or sister? There is so much backbiting, lying, hypocrisy, and just pure evil going on today. Hate is prevalent in our homes, on our jobs, and places of worship. I can't believe that people would actually enter into the Lord's house with so much animosity in their hearts. Where is the LOVE? Isn't loving your neighbor the greatest commandment?

If we claim to be Christians, but aren't loving our brothers and sisters, what does that say about us? Are we really who we say we are? Or, are we like the Pharisses?

People have become so "cut-throat", running around thinking themselves better than the next. They feel that they're above the very ones who may have to give them a cold drink later on.. God made us all the same. If we are to get into those pearly gates, we must all follow the same guide--JESUS. There's no way around it. Treating people like outcasts, trodding on their feelings, and being downright mean is not the way of the Lord. That's the enemy's way. Being the victim of such treatment sometimes bothers me, but then I think about what Jesus went through. I remember that the Lord promises to never leave me nor forsake me.

Just this morning, I was listening to Kiera Sheard's CD and received a revelation. In one of her songs, she says God is headlining the show, what a WORD.... The Lord reminded me through lyrics that people can do whatever they choose to do. They can go around thinking that they're really doing something big when completing tasks for the enemy. They may be on top now, but GOD IS HEADLINING THE SHOW...