Tuesday, September 28, 2010

When You've Done All That You Can Do

When you've done all that you can, just stand on the promises of God. God promised each of us a long time ago that He would never leave or forsake us. Some of us also have a genuine understanding that our trials and tribulation are not to weaken us but to make us stronger. The past four years of my life are a testament to that...

In January 2006, I was faced with the possibility of losing someone near and dear to my heart, my husband. His time was slipping away right before my eyes. Even though the doctors had very little hope of recovery for him, I stayed in prayer. I knew who God was and that He could hear my heart crying out. I won't go any deeper with that but I will say this: "God brought my loved one back from the brink of death..."

That was a turning point in my life. God began to reveal my true strength to me. I never knew that I could take care of another adult, raise 3 children (teenagers), and attend school full-time, with almost no income and not lose my mind. The position I'd worked so hard to gain was now a memory. I was forced to give up a good job in order to take care of my husband 24/7. Starting over with a family was difficult but this turned out to be a new beginning filled with a greater connectedness to God.

With every passing moment, God gave me a new story to tell. I can remember a time when a bill was due and the money was nowhere to be found. All I could do was pray. I left home to run errands, but when I returned there was an envelope waiting for me...a check. It was enough to cover what I needed in order to keep the lights on. I didn't question God. I just thanked Him for His grace and mercy on myself as well as my family. I thanked God for being the provider in my life. God was working miracle after miracle right before my eyes. Doors began to open...and windows too.

When I was finally able to work outside the home again, I went to a temp agency. God's favor followed me there too. The interview went well and I was working by the next week. God was still blessing me in so many ways. My faith was on the rise...increasing and growing me up spiritually. God placed me in the midst of others who loved and adored Him. I had people around me who nurtured my inner being. They encouraged me to move closer to God. I was also able to give testament to what the Father had done in my life.

Although money was tight, my family and I were always taken care of. God provides for His own. I know that firsthand. So many have helped me to learn that truth. My home church, New Gallilean in Jackson, Mississippi (Pastor Nathaniel Booker), came to my aid on a number of occasions. The Brotherhood of the church would keep our yardwork done. They would pray with us. The church paid bills within the home. Our family was adopted by members of the church one year for Christmas which led to us becoming angels for another organization. Unexpected blessings...glory to God for unexpected acts of kindness, generosity and humbleness.

The experiences I've had are a part of me. Each kind act or gesture has worked within my soul, leading me closer to God. My relationship is so much better than before. Not only do I now know who God is, but I also know what He can do. God has shown me how faithful He is. God has proven to me that I am not alone. He has dried many tears over the past few years. And as I continue to cry out to the Father, I understand that my voice reaches Him. He is quick to come and see about me.

It took something drastic to bring me into the realization that God has work for me to do. God has revealed that in the midst of my suffering and pain. He uses my past hurts to help others who are going through similar ordeals. God has opened my eyes to the fullness of Him. There is so much more for me to learn but I'm thankful for my past experiences because through them my life is taking off in the right direction. My life is being transformed into something wonderful...blessed beginnings...restoration...and joy. God is refreshing me...spinning me on the potter's wheel, removing things that shouldn't be and bestowing on me the goodness of His presence.. Oh how sweet it is to know God for yourself. Although I still face challenges daily, the confrontation is much different. I can now meet my problems with great faith, trusting that God has it all under control.

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