Friday, January 8, 2010

Hi! I'm Kay! I'm a wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, and most importantly a Child of God! I enjoy helping others, in any way that I can. I go where the spirit leads me...

I haven't always been obedient to what the Word says; however, the past few years have transformed me into this being that God destined me to be. He's not done with me yet. I tell people quite often that I'm a "work in progress". Had it not been for my mother, grandmother and others praying for me, I might not be here.

That's part of the reason why I'm coming to you today. I have a family that's strong in FAITH. I was raised on the Word of God. But there are some who don't know the true meaning of Love, or Faith. Some people, young and old, have never read that God is Love... They are in serious need of the Word.

The way things are going in this world today, we ALL need to stay on our knees communing with the Lord. We need to stay on our feet leading others to Christ... He is the only way. Seeds must be planted in our youth. The Word of God should be introduced to children at an early age. We can buy everything under the SUN, but we won't purchase a book about the SON... Why is that I wonder. We must be proactive in our children's lives. It is our duty to teach them as much as we can about the Lord. We must never forget that God gave Jesus that we might be saved... We owe Him. We talk about inventors, musicians, civil rights activists, presidents, and the like to our children. But, some are not teaching their young children about Jesus.

I believe that's where a lot of the behavior issues, bullying, etc. come from. The lack of Jesus in the lives of our children. Yes, the Lord is always present. But, if you have no knowledge of Him, how could you possibly realize that He is the one waking you up each morning? The Lord exists in every aspect of our lives. He is with us when we wake up in the mornings. He's present when we get on the road headed to work. He is on our jobs. He is everywhere, at all times... Why are children not being taught to call on Jesus when things go wrong in school? When someone is bullying them in school or on the bus, why don't our babies know to call on Jesus? Why?

Children have just as much stress as we do. Coping Skills are taught in some places, but what about the Holy Bible, scripture? Every situation you could imagine would be better addressed by allowing the Word a part in the solution. I understand that schools, and employers frown upon prayer; but, how would they ever know what's going on in our minds if we don't tell them. Prayers don't have to spoken out loud. I pray in my head all during the day. It keeps me close to the Lord. It's a way of communicating with Him. I also thank Him for those things that others wouldn't even think saving me a parking spot close to the door, or my mother stopping by with my favorite meal, or finding a few dollars in a pair of my pants when I dont have gas money..

Building better relationships with the Lord is the answer to problems with bullying, crime, and a host of other stressors... We must step outside our comfort zones in an effort to reach the lost souls in our communities, in our homes. Yes. Just because we're saved doesnt mean that the every member of our family is saved. Just keep praying though. Jesus answers prayers and will come to see about His own.. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, we must take an active role in our young people's futures. We must allow our lights to shine that they may see and run to the Father.... Let's plant seeds in our young people, starting today..preparing them for the unknown, all the while equipping them with the means to face any obstacle that comes their way.....

I'm going to stop for now, BUT I will be back if it's God's will because I have so much more that must be said..... Love, hugs and blessings...


1 comment:

  1. I think you did a great job! Congrats on your first blog for God! Blessings!

    Jaunine :)
