Thursday, June 2, 2011

“Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them. And the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it. And the Lord said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, Doth Job fear God for nought? Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about all that he hath on every side? Thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land. But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face. And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord.” Job 1: 6-12
Job is someone we have either heard about or read about. We know the details of him being a rich man. He was a just man, upright. We also know that Job lost all that he had. But, let’s go back a bit. The Word tells us that Satan went to God and asked that the hedge that surrounded Job with protection be removed. Satan wanted to basically break Job to the point where he would simply walk away from God. The key point is Satan was well aware of how powerless he was in comparison to God. He knew that his tricks didn’t stand a chance, therefore he asked God for permission to test Job. Isn’t that something…? Can you imagine being “handpicked” by the enemy to, in a sense, be a part of an experiment to see just how far you could be pushed? Can you imagine being tormented each day all in an effort to see if you would turn away from God?
Well, guess what…as Christians, the enemy does set traps in an effort to lure us into his deceitful web. He uses all kinds of tricks in order to test our faithfulness. However, nothing gets past God because He is all knowing. God allows certain things to take place in our lives, not to hurt us but to help us. Each and every single time that we encounter an obstacle, we are also faced with making decisions. No matter how great or small our choices appear to be, we must decide for ourselves whether to seek the consult of God or to simply lean toward our own understanding, even though the Word advises not to. And there are other times when He shows us “point blank” the road to take, but we go another way. The enemy loves this because it allows him to “lay and wait”. It gives him an opening to get in and cause havoc in our lives.
Going back to Job and what he suffered through…reflect on the fact that he was an upright man, meaning he had done nothing wrong in the eyes of God. He was obedient and God saw him as “perfect”, without a blemish. Satan was fully aware of this which led him to “hand-pick” Job for his own purpose. Now, Job lost all he had, including his children. I’m sure that he was hurt, and very distraught over all of this. Did Satan care that Job was in agony? No, he didn’t. He wasn’t interested in comforting Job or helping him to heal. He only wanted to drive Job to the point where he cursed God. So, by the time Job’s wife came to him and said that he should curse God and die, Satan was on “cloud nine”. He was enjoying every moment of Job’s suffering. No matter what came against Job, he stood on God’s Word and remained faithful. In the end, he was rewarded because of his obedience. God blessed him with more than he’d had before.
How many of us can honestly say that we’re like Job? If we lost our homes, cars, jobs and families, would we still follow Jesus? Or, would we “jump ship” and take a ride with the enemy? The choices we make are reflective of our faith in God. So, if we believe in God and trust that He will take care of us in the worst of storms then nothing else would matter. It wouldn’t matter how little we were left with because our faith would give us the strength to move forward. Our faith in God and His works would enable us to rest through the storm.
I lost my vehicle in September of last year. It was the only means of transportation my children and I had. I can remember the morning I realized it had been repossessed. I walked outside to start it for work, and it wasn’t there. I looked around and around and around for it, thinking maybe I’d parked it in a different spot. Finally, it hit me that my truck was gone. I came inside and sat down. I cried for a while. I prayed with friends. And that was my process…my process. You see…? God was waiting for me to see what He was trying to show me. Eventually I began to see clearly. I recognized God in my situation, and calmness came over me. The lack of transportation was no longer my focus. The whole thing was a blessing in disguise. I no longer had to wonder or worry about how I would pay my truck note while completing an unpaid internship for graduation. I no longer had to worry about maintenance fees, and other issues relative to the general upkeep of the vehicle. The situation did present a number of issues for me and my children. However, God was there to bring us through each and every obstacle. He’s just that good.
“Many are the afflictions of the righteous…” comes to mind. All of the things I had to suffer through for the sake of righteousness. The loss I endured. Leaving my home and moving into a small apartment. Leaving an abusive marriage but still having love in my heart for my husband. These are all things that have transpired over the past year. And although my life is not free of blemish, God continues to bless my life. And no matter what I face, I’m never alone. God is always with me, providing whatever I stand in need of. I am so thankful to God for all that He’s done in my life. I will forever be grateful.
“Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven. “ Matthew 18: 21-22
How many times have you been the victim of someone else’s ill treatment? How many times have you been lied on or had your name meet you on the highway? No matter the sin, the hurtful deed causes a rush of emotion. We go through a series of questions in our minds: “What did I do to deserve this? Why is this happening? After all, I’ve done for him/her, how could this be happening? Should I confront him/her?”
Initially, we simply want to get to the root of the problem. For that brief period of time, we may overlook scripture because we’re angry. We’ve been done wrong and we want the “culprit” to suffer just as much agony as we are. Once the moment passes and we remember who we belong to, our thought process changes. We begin to cry out to God, asking for help in the situation. We call on Him to heal our wounded spirits. Our hearts become so engorged that we can hardly sit. And before we know anything, the words “Lord, have mercy” begin to roll off our tongue.
In August 2009, I was the victim of an attempted carjacking. What was so shocking was the fact that I was at home, under my carport, minding my own business. How dare this stranger come onto my property and try to take something I worked so hard for. That was one of the scariest nights of my life. I was sitting in my truck on the phone when I heard someone shake my door handle. I thought it was my son because he loves joking around. Just as I reached to unlock the door (without even looking up), something (Holy Spirit) told me to look around. When I turned, there was a man standing there with what appeared to be a knife. He demanded that I unlock the door. He began to beat the window as hard as he could to break the glass. But, God is my protector, my shield. He could not break it no matter how hard he hit. I sped out of the driveway as fast as I could. My family was inside the house so I started to pray as I called the police. I don’t remember ever praying so hard, so persistently. God encamped angels all around us and kept each of us safe. Replaying it all in my mind I cringed at the thought of my family being hurt. Some people asked why I didn’t blow my horn. If I had done that, my family would have come out and someone could have been injured. God was with me through the entire ordeal. What are the odds of any of us sitting in our vehicles with the motor running and windows up, especially with the price of gas these days? God prepared me for the enemy’s attack that night. He shielded me from his grasp and I am so grateful.
What came next was actually going to identify the young man as the carjacker. I found out that he was only 19 years old. Although overcome with emotion, I began to pray each time I thought of him. Not only did I pray for his safety while in jail but I asked God to help his mother through this ordeal. In order to pray for him, I had to look past what he did. I had to see him through my spiritual eyes. God allowed me to do that. God helped me to forgive him for that horrible night. I know that his coming to my house instead of the neighbors’ was God protecting him as well. God sent him to a home where someone would pray for him. And those prayers would help in some way, whether the young man actually realized it on that particular night or years after. I don’t harbor any ill thoughts or resentment toward s him, none at all. I think of what happened and I tell people about it. However, it’s not in a negative way. When I share that part of my life, it’s to show others how good God is.
I admit that it isn’t always easy to forgive people for what they’ve done to us. It takes courage because in order to truly forgive, we must leave the transgression in the past. When we do that, it causes us to move forward without actually paying attention to reminders of what happened years ago. It means not bringing those individuals who have done us wrong under subjection any longer. Forgiveness is one of the most honorable things we can do. Why? It’s honorable because it’s what Christ did. He was hung on a cross for things He didn’t do. Through all the bloodshed, Jesus was still able to forgive the sins committed against Him. The love in His heart never ceased to flow. In our daily lives, each of us must strive to be more and more like Christ.
We can achieve that by allowing God complete control over lives, giving Him authority over our actions. But before that can be done, we must first invite God into our hearts which enables love to transform us. Our thoughts begin to change. We are able to see individuals in a different light. Love will become a part of us and that love will give us the strength to forgive our brothers and sisters no matter what they’ve done. Remember “Love conquers all”, and “God is Love”.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Pieces of Me

We've all heard the cliche "Life is what you make it". But, what does that truly mean...? Does it mean that we can create fantasies and live through them? Are we equipped to turn our lives into parallels of our favorite fairy tales? These questions must receive a response of "No". Life is what we make it, but the phrase doesn't mean that our lives will be free of struggle, trials or conflict. "Life is what you make it" is a reflection of our faith in God.

Each day we are faced with various obstacles. We may go out to get into our cars to head off to the jobs we've been blessed with, only to find the vehicles gone. We may have rent or mortgage payments due tomorrow, but today there is only lint in our once full pockets. We may even go into our kitchens to find that there is nothing least nothing that we'd care to devour at that moment. The ways in which we handle each of these situations can tell one of two stories: the story of great faith or the tale of the one whose faith seemingly unraveled to bits of nothingness. Either way, there is a story behind our walk.

When faced with what seems to be defeat, we must praise God like never before. We must continue to hold our heads up high and keep a song of worship in our hearts. God allows us to go through certain things in order to "grow us up spiritually". Think about this: If we never go through anything, how can we ever begin to testify of God's grace...? There is no way to share pieces of yourself if you've never been broken. There is no way to walk in faith if you've never endured a test. In order to tell others about God and how good it is to know Him, we must first get to know Him for ourselves. Listening to the testimonies of those who have gone through is a good thing. It's wonderful, but being able to testify to what God has brought you out of is something totally different. It's an amazing experience to feel the presence of God in our struggles. Knowing that God is working within our storms presents an umbrella effect. No matter what is going on around us, we are without fear. We have a complete understanding that God is in the midst and "it is well".

As I mentioned earlier, the ways in which we handle our issues is dependent upon the magnitude of our faith or shall I say the presence of faith. In order to develop faith, we must first believe that God exists and trust that He is able to do exactly what we need Him to do. If we can do this, then and only then can we strengthen our faith in God. With faith, there is nothing too difficult for us to face. We must trust God in all things and take comfort in knowing that He is with us each day. Even before we take our first steps into the day, God has already been busy at work. He has blessed our steps to be free of strife. He has touched the hearts of those we thought were our enemies, causing them to love us without hesitance. In other words, those prayers we drifted off to sleep with on our minds and in our hearts, are slowly being answered. Situations are being turned around...all because of our faith in God.

It is by our faith in God that healing is able to come forth. Our faith enables us to walk without fear of the unknown. We are able to step out into the frontlines in order to teach others about the goodness of the Lord, by faith. I am learning to take comfort in God's presence. The revelation that God is working behind the scenes in my life is quite apparent. This semester I lost the only means of transportation I had. It's been hard on myself as well as my children. We are not able to do the things we've grown accustomed to. It's Christmas time and we cannot visit the Nursing Homes to deliver bages...something we normally do each year. Having to depend on others for transportation here and there can be a "thorn in my side" at times, but I continue to move forward...believing that "God's grace is sufficient enough for me". I know that God has something better for me and my family. One day I will look back on this period of my life and reflect on how good it was to be in the care of God, to be in His divine care. Let's back up..because I can say that now.. "I'm so thankful to have God taking the time to work through my situation. I thank God for 'growing me up spiritually'. God, I love you for always taking time with me. You know me, fully. You know my desires. You know what each and every tear signifies. God, you're everything to me. My heart beats because of you, and your instruction. I understand that my life is a gift from you. God, I love and adore you...because you are God all by yourself. You are alpha and omega... Continue work on and through me as I grow closer to you.."

Every failed relationship, every loss and disappointment has taught me something about God and His goodness. God doesn't pick and choose who He loves the way some of us do. He loves each of us, and wants us to be obedient to His Word. Our obedience can open the windows and doors to the blessings we've been praying for. I say that to make sense of my next statement. Disobedience can be like blockage. Our unwillingness to obey God can hinder our progression, slowing up our blessings. I understand that my relationships haven't all been what God had for me. In choosing to do what I wanted, my roots became ragged and worn. However, when I began to listen to God's voice, growth began to start again. It's like taking a plant out of the sunshine for a period of time...the plant starts to turn brown and dries up. But, if you can get that same plant into the sunlight and provide it with the nurturance it needs, it will begin to flourish once more. The growth doesn't take place without a period of pruning. We must be pruned in order to truly grow into the beings God has called us to be, but we must first develop a relationship with God. Without Him, how can we grow? Where is the sunlight? Let's open our hearts and minds to the will of God, trusting Him with every part of us. Let's give God the bits and pieces of ourselves and allow Him to recreate who we are, transforming each of us into the children He desires us to be.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Take ACTion

The great majority of us have family, friends, associates and the like. However, it is through our trials and tribulations that the true nature of these relationships is revealed. The past week of my life has done just that for me.

When the unexpected happens, our minds quickly begin to think of ways to fix what's going wrong. We form an unrealistic list of things we need to do in order to correct the problem. Phone calls are made to those we believe can help us. When life takes hold of us...turning our worlds upside-down, we simply react in the natural, if only for a moment. In all honesty, we all slip into this trap from time-to-time. We reACT instead of taking ACTion.

Taking ACTion means reflecting on what God has done for us in the past...the times He has delivered us from certain situations...the brink of death, financial debt, etc. We must praise Him for those times and thank Him for what He is about to do in our lives. Yes...give Him praise. Even though things and people are being removed from our lives, there is a praise somewhere in the midst of the hurt. There is something going on that we don't see...a breakthrough or another much-need blessing. The enemy expects us to go into depression, and withdrawal...until we eventually give up on ourselves and God.

Praising God isn't the only part of our ACTion. The most difficult part comes in when we exercise our faith in what God can do in our lives. That requires diligence and strength because it is when we stand that the enemy's attacks come even more frequent and pack a terrible punch. We must put our faith, no matter how much we actually have, into ACTion. Trust that whatever is going on in our lives, God is working to turn it around in our favor. When the enemy starts to play those mind games that he's so good at, our faith helps us to maintain a type of "tunnel vision", paying little attention to what takes place around us or directly in front of us; we are without worry.

When God's hands are upon us, it's quite evident in our behavior. The praise that once resided in our hearts moves to the lips and on to the ears of others. We become equipped with the ability to minister to individuals who may be suffering...even though we too are in the eye of our very own storm. Not allowing the obstacle before us to cause stagnation. Instead of plugging into what's seen in the natural, our perception becomes more spiritually founded. God does everything for a reason. And all things are done for our good. If we trust God completely, the ways of the world and those not-so-sunny days will not change what we already know to be true: "God is able..."

Focusing on who God is and what He can do in our lives is such a better strategy when the struggles seem to wear us down. Sure we can turn to family and friends. They are true blessings. But turning to God, the Father, can change our entire being; turning to God gives us peace, joy, comfort. God will send the right people whenever our lives become too overwhelming and He always knows just who to send. He can touch our souls in such a way that we are calmed instantly. Many relationships are tested during difficult times. Some progress positively while others are destroyed. That is why it is so important for each of us to establish and maintain a relationship with God. If we have God in our hearts and on our minds, we will be more apt to follow His divine instruction...staying within His Will. In doing so, the enemy's tricks will not deter us from what God has planned for our lives.

Take ACTion when trouble comes and enjoy the peacefulness of not worrying about the storms that rage in our lives. "He maketh the storm a calm, So that the waves thereof are still." Psalm 107:29

When You've Done All That You Can Do

When you've done all that you can, just stand on the promises of God. God promised each of us a long time ago that He would never leave or forsake us. Some of us also have a genuine understanding that our trials and tribulation are not to weaken us but to make us stronger. The past four years of my life are a testament to that...

In January 2006, I was faced with the possibility of losing someone near and dear to my heart, my husband. His time was slipping away right before my eyes. Even though the doctors had very little hope of recovery for him, I stayed in prayer. I knew who God was and that He could hear my heart crying out. I won't go any deeper with that but I will say this: "God brought my loved one back from the brink of death..."

That was a turning point in my life. God began to reveal my true strength to me. I never knew that I could take care of another adult, raise 3 children (teenagers), and attend school full-time, with almost no income and not lose my mind. The position I'd worked so hard to gain was now a memory. I was forced to give up a good job in order to take care of my husband 24/7. Starting over with a family was difficult but this turned out to be a new beginning filled with a greater connectedness to God.

With every passing moment, God gave me a new story to tell. I can remember a time when a bill was due and the money was nowhere to be found. All I could do was pray. I left home to run errands, but when I returned there was an envelope waiting for me...a check. It was enough to cover what I needed in order to keep the lights on. I didn't question God. I just thanked Him for His grace and mercy on myself as well as my family. I thanked God for being the provider in my life. God was working miracle after miracle right before my eyes. Doors began to open...and windows too.

When I was finally able to work outside the home again, I went to a temp agency. God's favor followed me there too. The interview went well and I was working by the next week. God was still blessing me in so many ways. My faith was on the rise...increasing and growing me up spiritually. God placed me in the midst of others who loved and adored Him. I had people around me who nurtured my inner being. They encouraged me to move closer to God. I was also able to give testament to what the Father had done in my life.

Although money was tight, my family and I were always taken care of. God provides for His own. I know that firsthand. So many have helped me to learn that truth. My home church, New Gallilean in Jackson, Mississippi (Pastor Nathaniel Booker), came to my aid on a number of occasions. The Brotherhood of the church would keep our yardwork done. They would pray with us. The church paid bills within the home. Our family was adopted by members of the church one year for Christmas which led to us becoming angels for another organization. Unexpected blessings...glory to God for unexpected acts of kindness, generosity and humbleness.

The experiences I've had are a part of me. Each kind act or gesture has worked within my soul, leading me closer to God. My relationship is so much better than before. Not only do I now know who God is, but I also know what He can do. God has shown me how faithful He is. God has proven to me that I am not alone. He has dried many tears over the past few years. And as I continue to cry out to the Father, I understand that my voice reaches Him. He is quick to come and see about me.

It took something drastic to bring me into the realization that God has work for me to do. God has revealed that in the midst of my suffering and pain. He uses my past hurts to help others who are going through similar ordeals. God has opened my eyes to the fullness of Him. There is so much more for me to learn but I'm thankful for my past experiences because through them my life is taking off in the right direction. My life is being transformed into something wonderful...blessed beginnings...restoration...and joy. God is refreshing me...spinning me on the potter's wheel, removing things that shouldn't be and bestowing on me the goodness of His presence.. Oh how sweet it is to know God for yourself. Although I still face challenges daily, the confrontation is much different. I can now meet my problems with great faith, trusting that God has it all under control.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


We all need to learn to walk with authority and great faith. Our faith should be limitless because God is not limited in His abilities. He is a healer, deliverer, restorer...and much more. Whatever we are in need of, God is able to supply. If we simply believe that God is able to do, and have faith in what we're asking of Him, miracles will happen. As a society, we all tend to take matters into our own hands first..and ask for God's guidance second (usually after we've made a MESS of things). That is completely out of order. The Word tells us "But seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness;..." Matthew 6:33 We need to get in line with God and His Will for our lives. In doing so, there would be no need for worry or complaints. Our faith would be to us like the air we breathe. The need to evaluate and re-evaluate our little issues would be eliminated. God wants us to trust Him. He wants us to live each day without worrying about the next. Honestly, if we truly are Children of the King, where is the negativity coming from anyway...?? Those fears are not of God. Negativity breeds darkness and the God I serve exemplifies "light".. I pray that God continues to increase in our we decrease more and more until He is seen in all that we say and/or do. God bless you all...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

God Is Headlining The Show

I haven't been blogging lately. So many things have been going on with me, as well as around me . At times, situations can become overwhelming--so overwhelming, in fact that we get too wrapped up in the moment or moments. But, I thank God for Jesus...

Situations may arise in our lives, be it good or not-so-good, however, God is always in the midst. He carries us through the torments of life. I'm grateful for His unwavering, undying LOVE for me. God loves us more than man ever could. His love allowed Him to send His only begotten son in order to save this sin sick world. Imagine what the world would be like if Jesus had not gone to Calvary.... It's a mess now, but if it weren't for Jesus staying on the cross, this place where we live would be total chaos, unimaginable.

In knowing this, why is it that some people still hate their fellow man, their brother or sister? There is so much backbiting, lying, hypocrisy, and just pure evil going on today. Hate is prevalent in our homes, on our jobs, and places of worship. I can't believe that people would actually enter into the Lord's house with so much animosity in their hearts. Where is the LOVE? Isn't loving your neighbor the greatest commandment?

If we claim to be Christians, but aren't loving our brothers and sisters, what does that say about us? Are we really who we say we are? Or, are we like the Pharisses?

People have become so "cut-throat", running around thinking themselves better than the next. They feel that they're above the very ones who may have to give them a cold drink later on.. God made us all the same. If we are to get into those pearly gates, we must all follow the same guide--JESUS. There's no way around it. Treating people like outcasts, trodding on their feelings, and being downright mean is not the way of the Lord. That's the enemy's way. Being the victim of such treatment sometimes bothers me, but then I think about what Jesus went through. I remember that the Lord promises to never leave me nor forsake me.

Just this morning, I was listening to Kiera Sheard's CD and received a revelation. In one of her songs, she says God is headlining the show, what a WORD.... The Lord reminded me through lyrics that people can do whatever they choose to do. They can go around thinking that they're really doing something big when completing tasks for the enemy. They may be on top now, but GOD IS HEADLINING THE SHOW...